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Volunteers Data Privacy Policy
Data Privacy for volunteers at Ely Foodbank
Personal data
When you become a volunteer at the foodbank, the foodbank will keep some data about you.
This is “personal data”, because it is about you as a particular person, and it can be linked to you.
What personal data do we hold?
The foodbank will keep personal data about you on up to three documents:
1) your initial contact information
this will record your name and contact details when you make contact with us about being a volunteer
2) the application form you filled in to request becoming a volunteer
this records your name, address, contact details, next of kin, emergency contact, notes on health issues, availability, work experience or qualifications, if a DBS check was needed, and unspent criminal convictions
3) an interview form which we filled in if you are interviewed as for a volunteer position
this holds things like your name, any health issues or medication, your previous work experience and
qualifications, and whether you can drive
4) a volunteer record card
if you are taken on as a volunteer, this holds your name, address, contact details, next of kin, emergency contact, notes on health issues, if a DBS check was needed, and a space for notes
In the event of a grievance, accusation or disciplinary matter, this will be recorded separately.
This is the only data the foodbank will usually hold about you. We do not get data about you in any other way.
How is your personal data kept safe?
Your personal data is kept in a locked filing cabinet, The key is only available to the project manager.
Your personal data is kept in Assemble, Trussell Trust’s people management system for the purpose of day to day operations, rotas, communications, training etc. This data is kept secure by Trussell Trust and Assemble, accessed via user login with varying degrees of authority.
What is your data used for?
Your data is only used for purposes directly relating to your volunteering, particularly:
To work out the best volunteer opportunities for you
To contact you about your volunteering, if we need to
To make sure you get the right medical care, if you are taken ill when volunteering
To contact the right person, if you have an accident or are taken ill when volunteering
To know that you have signed a confidentiality agreement, have been told about health and safety, and/or have given permission to be photographed
Does the foodbank have a right to your data?
Under Data Protection legislation, the foodbank needs to have a “lawful basis” for keeping your data, and for using it. There are several types of “lawful basis”. One of them is called “performance of a contract”.
When you become a volunteer, you enter into a “contract” (or agreement) with the foodbank. You undertake to play your part as a volunteer; we undertake to look after you, and other people, properly. To do this, we need to hold data about you. That is why the lawful basis for holding your data is “performance of a contract”.
Who can see your data?
The only people who have access to your paper records arethe foodbank manager. Assemble allows for varying degrees of access, if you choose to be visible in the directory then your contact details are available to other AOKRedditch Foodbank users, some details will be accessible by team leaders and full details are accessible by the foodbank manager. We are as careful as possible to make sure no one else has access to your data.
How long will your data be kept?
Your initial contact details will be kept on a password protected secure computer file. They will be deleted as soon as you send us a completed application form, or you have told us that you do not want to volunteer.
If we are unable to find a volunteer position for you, your application form will be kept for one year, unless you ask us to delete it sooner.
If you become a volunteer, then your data is kept for as long as you are a volunteer at the foodbank.
If you stop being a volunteer, we will keep your data for a further year. This is so that we can contact you, if we need to ask you any questions about your time as a volunteer. It also helps us if you ask us for a reference, because you are applying for a job or another volunteer position.
After a year your records will be destroyed, unless there is a reason why we still need to be in touch with you about your time as a volunteer.
We may keep records of any grievance, dispute or accusation for up to six years.
Who can you speak to if you have questions?
If you have questions about your data, and what we do with it, you should contact [email protected] or call 01353 468626.
What rights do you have?
You have a number of rights under Data Protection legislation:
Right to be know what data we hold
You have a right to know what personal data we hold about you.
This Data Privacy Statement describes the data that we will hold. But you can ask if we have any other data about you which is not covered by this Data Privacy Statement.
Right to have a copy of the data we hold
You can ask for a copy of the data we hold about you. This is called a “subject access request”.
If you make a “subject access request”, we will give you a copy of all the data we hold about you.
We will do this within one month. If it helps, we will give you the data in a computer file.
Right to object
You can object if you think we are using your data in the wrong way.
You can also object if you think we don’t have “lawful grounds” for using your data.
We will give you a statement explaining why we use your data and explaining the “lawful grounds”.
If you are still not happy, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.
If we find we are using your data in the wrong way, we will stop immediately and stop it happening again.
Right to have your data corrected
If you think there is a mistake in your data, please tell us. You have a right to have it corrected.
We may need to check what is the correct data, but will put right any mistakes as soon as possible.
Right to be forgotten
We promise to remove your data after six years. You have a right for this to happen, because we don’t need to keep your data any longer than six years.
Finally, if anything happened to your data that could be a risk to you, we will do our best to tell you.