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Foodbank vouchers

Our foodbank works using a voucher referral system.

We know that anyone can find themselves at crisis point for a number of different reasons and in the current economic climate, there are more reasons why people will need the support of the foodbank.

To access the foodbank we operate a voucher system through the agencies below who you should contact in the first instance and they will give you a voucher number which you can then take to one of our locations.

You will be able to access our food for a maximum of 3 visits and we will signpost you to a professional agency who will give advice and vouchers if required.

Lots of our agencies can issue an e-voucher which you can take note of and bring this to the Foodbank for 4-5 days worth of food or fuel support.

If you are struggling to afford food or winter fuel and would like some help, please contact one of the agencies below and ask them about foodbank vouchers.

  • Citizens Advice – call free on 0808 2082 138 or visit their website
  • P3 Floating Support – call free on 0808 169 8099 or visit their website
  • East Cambs District Council  Community Support Network 01353 665555
  • Fenland District Council  Community Support Network 01354 654321
  • There are also Social Prescribers in most Doctors Surgeries to assist with a range of social difficulties.

If  you have any issues contacting the agencies below then please contact us using the  online form on our contact page. Please note that this is the quickest way to contact us and is quicker than calling by phone.

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